
Samuel Crowley

Cape Naturaliste College

Year 10

Coloured pencil, Artline marker and Acrylic paint on Plywood

79 x 20 cm

Ever since I could hold a pencil, I remember experimenting and entertaining myself by drawing. My creative process begins with collecting inspiration from the things around me. At the moment, I am particularly occupied with anatomy and bones. I find the internal structure of the human body interesting. I am enjoying using different mediums to develop tonal rendering. These focuses are evident in my surrealistic artwork ‘Treasure’, which I created with marker pen, acrylic paint and coloured pencils on plywood. I hope to improve and grow as an artist and hopefully, just maybe, create a career out of my passion.

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Young Originals contact

Cassie Bussell
Teacher Development, Teaching and Learning Services
Statewide Services Centre, Department of Education

PHONE: 9402 6304

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