Kyla French

Graceful Grunge

Kyla French

Year 12
School: Pinjarra Senior High School
Medium: Photography

Artist statement: I chose to explore the culture of grunge and tailor my magazine cover to appeal to this young, edgy audience. I decided to go with a grunge aesthetic because I have always been interested in the style aspects and views which influence their choice of clothing, their beliefs, actions and how they get presented within the media. Grunge for many is not just an aesthetic, it is a group of people with set views and beliefs that stems deeper than dark, baggy clothes and flannel shirts. With this image I wanted to not only touch on the traditional gloomy aspects of grunge but introduce a softness, which creates an interesting juxtaposition within the image and catches the viewer’s attention.

Year selected and School represented
2020, Pinjarra SHS
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