Kayla Going


Kayla Going

Year 11
School: Joseph Banks Secondary College
Medium: Chalk pastels and gesso on MDF board

Artist statement: Within my piece, I was trying to communicate the idea of the human condition and the differences that come with it. It is when these differences are put aside that we are able to look outside ourselves and help someone else. My piece was created using pastels and gesso. I was inspired by the artist Rub√©n Belloso and his approach to photo/hyperrealism. The hyper-realistic approach of this self-portrait evokes a relationship between the viewer and the idea of the human condition. The interjecting hand symbolises the help from others that we need sometimes and the comfort and peace that we desire throughout our lives. We should never be afraid to receive or ask for help and we shouldn’t take away the blessings of service from those trying to assist us.

Year selected and School represented
2018, Joseph Banks Secondary College
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