Surrealist Selfie

Zelia Carter

Applecross Senior High School

Year 9

Ink pen on paper

60 x 42 cm

Strange and unusual imagery has been used within my artwork, inspired from the surrealist art movement and its artists. To make my artwork, I used a biro on cartridge paper. I applied different amounts of pressure to create harsh and soft lines. This technique allowed me to control shading to produce contrast and depth. Surrealism is a combination of ideas, objects and thoughts that can come from one’s dreams. This movement sparked my imagination and creativity as I pieced together different objects to create a composition containing uncanny elements. Using peculiar objects and items created an unsettling or discomfiting feeling – a floating head isn’t normal and hands don’t usually come from your head. By creating this unsettling feeling and using unusual imagery, the art becomes fascinating to view.

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