
Louisa Cheav

Harrisdale Senior High School

Year 11

Paper clay, spray paint, graphite powder

29 cm height x 18 cm diameter

Despite countless differences between the eight billion individuals on Earth due to social class, financial status and education, we all share a fundamental trait. With the passing of time, our bodies and minds grow and change. This process is especially significant in childhood and adolescence. My sculpture ‘Fallen’ encapsulates this metamorphosis and expresses ‘growing pains’. My intention was to convey the emotional shock, physical burden and social insecurity. This was achieved through juxtaposition of a boy’s features with those of a crow. It emphasises the extreme changes happening to the boy’s body, akin to a mutation and alteration of species. Depression is expressed through symbolism and colour. A single tear runs down the boy’s cheek and the cool blue represents a loss of warmth and vitality that the young boy once possessed in childhood.

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