United in Grief

Morri Bautista & Sierra Quilty

Lesmurdie Senior High School

Year 10


2 pieces – 70 x 50 x 4 cm

Our photographic artwork titled ‘United in Grief’, was inspired by Kendrick Lamar’s song of the same title, and draws attention to the contrast and connection between two mental states. In ‘United in Grief Pt 1′, a dissected head fills with rainwater, symbolising distress. This image is paired with the text “PIECE OF MIND’. The poster highlights complex emotions faced by teenagers during growth. Similarly, ‘United in Grief Pt 2’ features the same dissected head, alongside growing flowers, with the text ‘PEACE OF MIND’. This represents growth of the mind, simultaneously promoting the realisation that while there are moments of melancholy, there will be better days ahead.

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