Toro de Moda

Mabel McTernan & Leila Montgomery

Applecross Senior High School

Year 8 & 9

Wearable art – textiles and mixed media

190 x 100 x 60 cm

Our artwork ‘Toro de Moda’ emphasises the history of native Peruvian culture and the pain people suffered under colonisation from the1600s to modern times. The piece portrays the head of a bull made from a bike helmet, wire mesh and wooden stakes. The outside is constructed from tinted brown glue and sheets of old paper printed with inventions from the industrial era. The corset is made from interwound fabric strips tied off to create a ruffled effect then sewn into a bodice. The kaleidoscopic colours reflect traditional native Peruvian textiles, with vivid hues, patterns and textures. Bulls were a common symbol of protection, fertility and prosperity although they were introduced livestock. This bull is depicted with red ears representing thousands of native Peruvians who were murdered under settlers’ rule in battles for their land.

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