Family Line

Giorgina Pitchin

Applecross Senior High School

Year 11

Drypoint etching on paper with mixed media

150 x 50 cm (4 parts)

Through my artwork, I have explored the connectivity between the women in my family through physical, emotional and genetic similarities, capturing how aspects of one’s appearance are passed down the generations from mother to daughter. My work is also an exploration of the way different cultures can be brought together by a single family member, as my cultural heritage is a blend of Mauritian, Italian and English. My piece was influenced by Chiharu Shiota, who explores family and generational connections as well as her cultural identity. Shiota uses yarn to symbolise connections, which is why I chose red thread in my piece, in the hope that it resembled blood and veins. Throughout my life, and especially whilst studying intricate details in the four faces, I found small similarities between family members face’s and my own. This is a beautiful thing.

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